Saturday, October 1, 2011

How to Fill the Freezer

Just do this a few times.

This is my first deer with a bow. Let me tell ya how it went.
Got up at 5:00, showered, ate, dressed and headed out to the woods. In my stand before  6:00. After it started getting light watched several squirrels scampering around. About 8:30 I look over my right shoulder and see a deer walking towards me. It was a doe with two fawns. For those of you that don't know, it's nearly impossible for a right handed shoulder to shoot toward their right while sitting down. The doe spotted me before I had a chance to get to my feet so I sat absolutely still, hoping they would move to an area where there vision was blocked for a few seconds. Well they started walking back the way they came and I took the opportunity to try to stand. Must have made some noise because they spooked and took off. Sat back down and waited some more. 9:30 rolls around and I stand to stretch my legs. I'm standing for a couple minutes when I happen to look down to my right and there's a deer not twenty yards away.  This time I was able to get turned around, but the safety harness makes it somewhat difficult to draw back normally. Also, my left leg won't stop shaking. Get the bow drawn back and the deer steps into an opening and I shoot. *THWACK* Well that didn't sound like and arrow hitting a deer. But the deer is still there. Get another arrow on the string, draw, leg is still shaking, shoot. *THUD* That sounded just like an arrow hitting the ground. But the deer is STILL there. Get my third and last arrow on the string. Realize I hadn't been holding proper form while shooting. Make a concerted effort to make sure everything is just right, and shoot. *Whack!!!!* That one sounded right. The deer took off and I heard it crash just a few seconds later. I can see my arrow sticking out of the ground and it's covered with blood.
Everyone says you need to wait and let the deer have time to expire so you don't spook it and cause it to run halfway across the county in a final desperate effort to spite you. Well this deer took off up the trail I have to use to get back to my vehicle. Plus, I'm out of arrows. So I get down and retrieve two of my arrows. The first one I shot is lodged in a small tree that I didn't see about 12 feet off the ground. I make my way as quietly and softly toward where I heard the deer go down as possible. After walking about 15 yards from my blood covered arrow I can see the deer lying in the brush. It's not moving and it's eye's are wide open and unblinking. I could see the exit wound and knew the deer was dead.
Went back to my car, drove to my grandpa's to borrow his truck and came back and loaded my deer. I took it home and it's mostly all cut up and ready to be canned or turned into jerky.
Dinner tonight will consist of backstrap and heart.

There are no related links today. Gotta get ready to head back out and don't have time to find humorous or interesting things to link to. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. Awesome story and congrats on your first archery kill. Great looking blog too!

  2. Congrats to you! That first bow deer is one that stays with you forever.

    Found your blog via Sole Adventure. Very nice.

    Keep up the good work and congrats again!

  3. Congrats again, that must have been a rush!
