Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Wait until the Last Minute...and Still Meet Your Deadline

Yeah, I waited until the last minute to write today's post. Sorry, but I couldn't think of anything clever to say earlier. I did, however, just get back from my nightly walk and I KNOW I can find plenty of humor in my physical fitness, or lack thereof, and my efforts to correct it.
First off, I know I'm a tub. I don't deny it. It demands my attention everyday as I am now to the point that I get winded tying my shoes. That being said, I've never really felt bad about the way I look. BUT, things have gotten out of hand and I really need to do something about it. Also, I dream of going on an elk, moose, or mule deer hunt out west sometime and it's only fair to the outfitter (if I have one) and the game that I be in the proper condition for such a hunt.
So I've started walking. "Why walking," you may ask. "Why not running? Running will burn more calories and you  can stop being fat sooner." Well, it turns out I'm too fat too run. About this time last year I tried to take up running. Things were going well for the first two weeks or so. I was losing weight, and my endurance was increasing. I actually got to the point where I could run a full mile without slowing to a walk. I was pretty darn proud of myself.
 Then the pain started. At first, just a twinge in my right knee. After a few days it was more than a twinge. Then it was in both knees. Then I could barely walk when I got up in the morning. There comes a time when you just can't push through the pain anymore. So I went to the doctor. Sitting in the examination room he asked me what the problem was. I told him I think I have tendonitis. I started running a while ago and the my knees started hurting worse each day. His response, and this is from a licensed physician "Yep, you probably do. Take some ibuprofen and stay off them until they stop hurting."  Seriously Doc? That's it? I was so glad I was able to diagnose myself. However I don't think  it was fair that I had to pay him for doing absolutely NOTHING.
Anyway...that was last year. On to this year. Figured I'd start it off at a more moderate pace. Walking is much easier on the joints so I'll give that a go. Do you know how disheartening it is to hear the corduroy "zhip zhip zhip" sound when you're not wearing any? I can already tell a difference as I'm able to walk much farther without getting shin splints.  Yes, I get shin splints from walking. I'm that out of shape. Didn't I already explain that in the second paragraph?
Hopefully in the next week or so I'll be able to increase my pace from a trudge to a plod. Then I'll go from there. Gradually increasing my pace until I finally reach a brisk walk. Once I'm comfortable with that I might actually try throwing some jogging in there. But I'm getting ahead of myself now. Better slow down before I run out of breath.

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Fitness and nutrition tracker. Tell them deltaoutlaw sent you.
There aren't many positives to running