Friday, September 30, 2011

How to Pull an All Nighter

Well it's finally here. Bow season eve. I remember feeling like this when I was a kid on firearm season eve. (You were expecting me to say Christmas Eve weren't you?) This is one of my absolute favorite times of year. I've spent many, many hours preparing for this. I've spent WAY too much money preparing for this. And I do it on the cheap. I can't imagine how much the guys spend that have to have the newest and best of everything.
I remember reading an article in an old Buckmaster's that described my current condition as A.N.T.L.E.R.S. Another Night To Lose Essential Rest Syndrome. That is about the most perfect description I can think of.
Once I've finished washing my hunting clothes in special scent eliminating soap, drying them with a dirt scented dryer sheet, and sealing them in their airtight plastic bag, I'll head to bed where I toss and turn all night as I replay thousands of different scenarios of what is going to occur tomorrow.
I'll wake up early, eat something less than memorable, put on my gear and head out to the woods. Will this be the year that I finally get a deer with my bow? Which way will they come from? Is the wind going to be in my favor? I wish I had a way to kill all the dang squirrels without making noise. Why does my nose always run like crazy when I'm in a treestand? Why do I never remember that my nose runs like crazy when I'm in a treestand and bring some tissue or something? Should I bring something to eat? Will I actually be able to stay out long enough to get hungry this time? Okay, I'm always hungry, I'll bring a snack.
These and countless other thoughts flit through my mind. Eventually I will nod off only to awaken a few short hours later and actually do all the stuff I was thinking about the night before.
What will tomorrow bring? I'll let ya know.

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Post #83 is my weapon of choice for tomorrow
Yes I use these
And this is what I'll be sitting in.

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