I know that thirty years isn't a significantly large amount of time to spend on this earth. However, I think that I've had a lot of different experiences that many others haven't. I'm sure this has affected how I view the world and the things I believe. That's what I'm going to talk about today. That being said, I know many of my beliefs won't sit well with others. For those of you that find yourself offended...tough.
I believe in God, and that he sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. I don't always live up to the standard that Christ set for us, but I try to do better every day. I'm not one of those Bible thumpers that's going to berate you for how you live your life, especially when I haven't done such a hot job with mine over the years.
I believe that the government DOESN'T exist to provide for the needs of the people. It isn't the responsibility of the government to pay my doctor bills. It isn't the governments responsibility to make sure I have a job or an education. It isn't the governments responsibility to make sure I have a house. Those are all MY responsibilities and if I fail to meet them then the fault is mine and I have no RIGHT to complain. The responsibility of the government is to run the daily operations of a nation and to provide for its defense and the safety of its citizens. Also to provide the media with an endless supply of scandal with which to fuel public outrage over something or other.
I believe people who are overweight shouldn't be allowed to have a disability tag for their vehicle. If anything, they should be required to park further from the entrance. After all, they need the exercise. Addendum to this: This does not apply to people that have thyroid problems or other medical conditions BEYOND their control.
I believe that health insurance shouldn't cover medical procedures that are needed due to unhealthy lifestyle choices. If people had to pay full price for this stuff, a lot of them would give up their bad habits in a hurry. Either that or die early because they can't afford to get themselves fixed up by the doc.
I believe that if you refuse to exercise your right to vote then you should NEVER open your mouth about the way things are in this country. And no, I honestly don't care about your right to free speech. If you're willing to give up one right, why should you be afforded any of the others?
I believe that in a democracy, the majority is supposed to rule. Unfortunately our country has determined that even the minority gets to make decisions. Apparently every tiny faction should have as much say in what we determine to be acceptable as the majority. Sorry, but that just doesn't seem like a democracy to me.
I believe that human life has priority over that of the animal kingdom. If testing animals means we find a cure for a disease that kills humans, then go ahead and test away. I'm not saying that cruelty to animals is okay. But the benefits gained by humanity outweigh the injustice done to animals. Also, I love steak.
I believe that anyone that has served a tour of duty in our armed forces deserves special treatment. And I believe that anyone that talks down about our service men and women should be shipped to France, where they can commune with those cheese eating surrender monkeys.
I believe that driving qualifications need to be much higher. There is a preponderance of incapable drivers on the road. Seriously, how hard is it to use your turn signal, drive the speed limit, and stay in the RIGHT LANE WHEN YOU'RE NOT PASSING SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe that I've gone on long enough. Let the drama begin.
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