Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Properly Form a Rant

I was sitting here this evening watching a favorite cancelled series of mine. Firefly by name. Not many know of this short lived, yet wonderfully entertaining television show. However, my post tonight is not to be about the show. There happened to be a line uttered during the show with which I identify to a very large degree. "Forgive my rudeness. I cannot abide useless people." How wonderfully loaded with meaning is that short phrase. So I've decided to talk a bit about the useless people I cannot abide. Disclaimer: There are a few people in each of these categories that happen to fall outside the norm and actually manage to contribute something positive to society. (The exception to this is internet trolls. They have nothing beneficial to offer society.)

Political Extremists-These people give EVERY one a bad name. Because of them all republicans are philandering hypocritical warmongers, and all democrats are anti-American, tree hugging hippies.

Internet Trolls- These are probably the most useless of all the people I am mentioning today. They search internet forums hoping to find or start controversy. They intentionally create inflammatory posts or make offensive comments on other posts just to see internet drama. They love to see people flex their computer muscles knowing that all the effort expended due to their actions is completely wasted and everyone embroiled in the controversy will be worse off in the long run.

Celebrities-While not the biggest problem with society, they definitely rank among the worst of useless people. They are so worried about public approval that they will go to any lengths to get it. I'll admit it does take considerable sacrifice to adopt third world orphans. After all, you have to be willing to give up some of your comforts for you hired help to find the time to take care of your children. Besides trying to make themselves look good, they lend their celebrity to causes of which they are rarely well informed. After all, why wouldn't we want FBI agent killer Leonard Peltier back on the streets?

Career Politicians- I believe this group to be the largest problem with American society. They prance around publicly proclaiming how only they have the intelligence and ability to fix the problems faced by society. If we don't vote for them, then their evil opponent will heap upon us woes of Biblical proportions. Our livestock will die and our children will be born so hideously deformed that they will never know human affection.  Unfortunately, they have become so enamored of life in "public service" that they lose any sense of morality or self restraint. Every year we see at least one of these fellows resign amid controversy and scandal. And it doesn't matter what side of the political aisle they are on.

Related Links
Internet trolls beware
Seriously, research the things you say you support
This is what happens with career politicians

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