Monday, December 12, 2011

14 Hours and a Giveaway.

So I was talking to a friend the other day and she accused me of being pessimistic. Which I don't believe to be the case at all. I simply enjoy trying to think of the worst case scenario for any given situation. That doesn't mean I expect it to happen. She mentioned how nice living in Alaska would be. I said it's too cold. She said, "But you would have all that hunting available." To which I replied, "Yeah, but I have terrible circulation and my feet would get frostbite then gangrene from infection and I'll die." Logical chain of events to the worst case scenario right? I have a knack for this. It doesn't matter how benign the situation may seem, I can come up with a terrible outcome preceded by a reasonable sequence of mishaps. Think you can come up with something that no matter what cannot end badly? Well leave a comment and I'll prove ya wrong. For the first person to stump me, I will do one piece of custom artwork (either a drawing or pen and ink, winners preference.*)
Well this is right around 14 hours worth of work. The parts I thought I could consider finished turned out otherwise. That's the problem with my brain. I continuously think of ways it could be better. Good enough is never good enough for me. That's  probably why a lot of my drawings are unfinished.

*Contact author for contest rules and prize details.

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